日本財団 図書館


(4)Classification of instrument flight rules or visual flight rules;
(5)Place of departure and time of commencement of taxiing;
(6)Cruising altitude and route of the flight;
(7)Place of first intend landing and estimated flight time to reach the airspace over the landing site;
(8)True air speed at cruising altitude;
(9)Radio equipment in use
(10)Alternate aerodrome;
(11)Amount of fuel on board expressed in hours of flight;
(12)Total number of persons on board;
(13)Other referential matters for air traffic control, as well as search and rescue.


2. Filing of the flight plan shall be done either verbally or in writing


3. In the case of a change in a flight plan which has been approved under Article 97 paragraph 1 of the law, or has been filed under the provisions of the same Article paragraph 2, it is sufficient to report only the radio call sign (the nationality mark and registration mark; in the case of an aircraft not equipped with radio equipment)of the aircraft, and the actual matters to be changed, from among the matters specified under each subparagraph of paragraph 1 above.


4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, in the case of Self Defence Force aircraft engaging in a special task designated by the Minister of Transport, the matters to be specified in the flight plan and methods of f;ling said flight plan shall be determined by the Minister of Transport.


5. The hours of operation of Airport Offices and Airport Branch Offices (including Radar surveillance office for airport and navigation route)for the filing of flight plans under the provisions of Article 97 paragraphs 1 and 2, and for the filing of reports under the provisions of Article 98 (Report of Arrival)of the law, shall be designated by Notification.


Article 204. In the case of creating the flight plan under Article 97 paragraphs I or 2 of the law, the altemate aerodrome under paragraph 1 subparagraph 10 of the precelieg Article shall be one where, at the time of arrival of the aircraft, the weather conditions are anticipated to be at or above the minimum weather conditions designated by the Minster of Transport.


Article 205. The case as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport under Article 97 paragraph 2 of the law shall be the case in which an aircraft takes off from an aerodrome or a place for take-off and landing other than an aerodrorome (the place permitted under the provision of Article 79 of the law;





